
We are poisoning Earth with the plastic we manufacture

The thorny subject of bin charges was discussed before the Dáil broke up for summer. The Taoiseach remarked that “we must encourage people to throw away less”. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a fellow Unitarian minister who is passionate about caring for Earth.

She is trying to eliminate plastic from her life. She admitted this is extraordinarily difficult. She also said it is impossible to throw anything away. We put waste in the bin and we pay to have it removed from our home.

But where does it go?

It is recycled, it is in landfill or it is incinerated. The preferred option is that it is recycled. If something is put into landfill we expect it will biodegrade into compost. If it is incinerated it becomes heat. The waste is in a new location and perhaps in a new form, but it still exists. Both landfill and incineration add to the level of CO2 in the atmosphere; CO2 contributes to global warming

The enormous task my friend faces is highlighted by the fact that plastic is found in unexpected places. Many toothpastes contain micro beads. These make our teeth whiter and smoother. They are tiny particles of plastic and are also found in fleece jumpers.

These tiny particles of plastic enter the water system; the beads eventually settle on the sea bed. They are attractive to the microbes that feed on the sea bed but are toxic for these microbes. The plastic that is contained in everyday items is killing the first level in the food chain.

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