JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Memperingati HUT ke-75 RI, Himpunan Penyewa Pusat Perbelanjaan Indonesia ( Hippindo) menyelenggarakan Hari Belanja Diskon Indonesia ( HBDI) yang berlangsung selama 14-30 Agustus 2020.
Pesta diskon besar-besaran ini melibatkan 300 merek dagang offline dalam dan luar negeri, serta e-commerce atau marketplace. Promo yang diberikan sangat beragam dan sebagian besar berkaitan dengan angka 75.
Ketua Umum Hippindo Budihardjo Iduansjah mengatakan, kegiatan ini menjadi momentum yang tepat untuk mendorong peningkatan konsumsi masyarakat, sehingga bisa berkontribusi pada pemulihan ekonomi nasional.
"Kami berikan banyak sekali diskon, jadi kado buat bangsa Indonesia, dan momentum yang tepat untuk pemulihan ekonomi nasional. Karena sekarng diperlukan terobosan dari sektor rill, dan untuk menggerakkan itu dari sisi konsumsi dulu, dan dari pihak kami berikan diskon," ujarnya dalam acara peresmian HBDI 2020, Jumat (14/8/2020).
Ada beraham promo menarik dari berbagai merek yang bisa didapatkan baik dari toko offline seperti mal, ruko, stasiun, bandara, rest area, dan commercial area. Maupun di toko online atau marketplace seperti Tokopedia, Blibli, Lazada, dan Gojek.
Baca juga: Sambut HUT RI, Pemerintah Beri Cashback Belanja Online hingga Rp 750.000
Berikut daftar diskon yang diberikan sepanjang HBDI 2020:
F n B, Supermarket, Hipermarket, Minimarket, Convenience Store:
1. MOKKA COFFEE CABANA/14-31 Agustus 2020/Paket merdeka dari harga 107.500 menjadi 50.000
2. BANGI MABES/ tambahan 7.5% diskon berlaku termasuk Promo.
3. THE FOODHALL SUPERMARKET/ MERDEKA CELEBRATION Serba Rp 75.000 dan Hemat sampai 50%. Hanya 4 Hari! 14-17 Agustus 2020/+ Weekly Promo up to 50% Off untuk aneka Produk Favorit
4. FAMILYMART/14-30 Agustus 2020/diskon semua minuman segar FamilyMart /seluruh toko Familymart Indonesia
5. BREADTALK/14-31 Agustus 2020/Paket 75rb, selected item, S&K berlaku/Seluruh outlet di Indonesia.
6. ALFAMART/ 1-31 Agustus / Promo Serba, Promo Gratis, Harga Hemat / Berlaku Seluruh toko Alfamart
7. JCO/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ 6 Dozen JPops 104K & 2 Beverage Due 52K S n K berlaku/ Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
8. BAKMI NAGA RESTO/Paket Makan Berdua hanya 75 ribu (Bakmi Goreng/ Yi Fu Mie small + Es Lemon Tea / Es Jeruk Nipis). (S & K berlaku) periode promo 14 - 30 Agustus 2020/ berlaku di outlet yang memasang banner promo HBDI.
9. BEBEK GARING/Paket Makan Berdua hanya 75 ribu (Paket Sate Ayam + Es Teh/ Mineral Water). (S&K berlaku) periode promo 14 - 30 Agustus 2020, berlaku di outlet Crispy Duck Bebek Garing Kuningan City.
10. BATAVIA CAFÉ/14-30 Agustus 2020/nikmati kopi jadul/ kopi susu jadul hanya dengan Rp.7.500 s&k berlaku/ Batavia Cafe Lotte Mall Bintaro, Batavia Cafe Ancol, Batavia Cafe Kuningan City, Batavia Cafe Mayapada Hospital Kuningan.
11. SUSHI TEI/ 1-31 Agustus 2020 / Discount 30% for selected noodle menu T&C apply / seluruh toko di area Jadetabek
12. DENNYS/ 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / FREE COURSE selected item. SK Berlaku / Di semua outlets di Jakarta
13. KAFE BETAWI/ 01 - 31 Agustus / Special price only 17K for BEVERAGE (Juice, Es Campur, Es Doger) & KAFE BETAWI FIRST / Special price only 17K (for Classic coffee and Signature Drink) / T & C Apply
14. BAR.B.Q PLAZA/ 14-30 Agustus 2020 / Diskon 20% untuk Family Set & Supreme Set SnK berlaku / Seluruh outlet di Jakarta
15. ROPPAN/ 14-30 agustus 2020/ diskon 17% all main course SnK berlaku/ seluruh toko di Indonesia
16. GROM/14-30 Agustus 2020/50% Discount on selected flavours/Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
17. TOM SUSHI/ 1 - 31 Agustus 2020 / Special Deal for 2 only 69K (before 85K) T&C apply / Seluruh toko di Jakarta
18. CARL'S JR./ 11-17 August 2020 / Special package 'CJ Merdeka' 75K / All outlets
19. WINGSTOP/ 13-18 August 2020 / Special package 'Wings Merdeka' 75K / All outlets
20. BURGER KING/14-30 Agust 2020/Promo Merdeka/5 pcs mix burger atau 8 pcs ayam cuma 75rbuan /seluruh toko Indonesia kecuali Ultimate T3
21. GYU JIN TEPPAN/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ 75rb (Before Tax) mendapatkan 2 Gyu Teppan Crispy Tamago + 2 Ocha/ Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
22. YONG TAUFU/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ 75rb/nett sudah termasuk 2 paket Gebyar Couple S&K Berlaku/ Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
23. DCREPES/ 14 - 31 Agustus 2020 / Serba 17.000 untuk varian crepes tertentu / seluruh outlet Dcrepes
24. FRITATO/3-30 Agustus 2020/Extra Combo 15k (Fries+Mineral Water)/Seluruh cabang Fritato
25. THAI STREET/SUPER VALUE MEAL 72K 1-30 Agustus 2020/seluruh cabang di Indonesia
26. KOBA BBQ/3-14 AGUSTUS 2020/All You Can Eat 149k++ Weekdays Only/Seluruh KOBA BBQ di Indonesia
27. IMPERIAL KITCHEN & DIMSUM/ 17-19 Agustus 2020 / DIMSUM Rp 7.500++ / Seluruh Outlet Indonesia
28. IMPERIAL TABLES/ 17-19 Agustus 2020 / PASTA Rp 17.845++ / Seluruh Outlet Indonesia
29. IMPERIAL CAKERY/ 17-19 Agustus 2020 / SWEET BUN Rp 7.500,- / Seluruh Outlet Indonesia
30. HAPPY DAY/ 17-19 Agustus 2020 / STEAK Rp 75.000,- / Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Jakarta Pusat
31. THE YUMZ/ 17-19 Agustus 2020 / CLAYPOT RICE Rp 17.845,- / Seluruh Outlet Indonesia
32. IMPERIAL SHANGHAI LAMIAN & XIAO LONG BAO/ 17-19 Agustus 2020 / Set Menu Spesial Rp 75.000,- / L1 - Plaza Indonesia
33. LAMIAN PALACE / 17-19 Agustus 2020 / LAMIAN Disc 75% / Seluruh Outlet Indonesia
34. SARI RATU/ Promo Sate Padang Lidah + Es teh manis Rp.75.000 Nett
35. RANCH MARKET/ 04 - 25 Agustus 2020 / Diskon 8% Fresh products, S n K berlaku / Seluruh Toko Ranch Market di Indonesia
36. CFC/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ Paket dengan harga khusus Rp, 17,000 - 45,000 - 75,000 / Seluruh Indonesia
37. POPOLAMAMA INDONESIA/ 13-17 Agustus 2020 / 75K nett for 2 Large Pizza (Selected Variant) / Seluruh Store Popolamama Indonesia
38. GOKANA/ Diskon 17% untuk menu Gokana 2, Donburi 4, Beef Hot Ramen selama bulan Agustus 2020, berlaku setiap hari selama masa promosi di seluruh outlet.
39. BMK (Baso Malang Karapitan)/ Diskon 17% untuk Menu Nasi Sop Daging Iga, Baso Malang Super Komplit, Mie Ayam Original Baso Spesial, berlaku setiap hari selama bulan Agustus 2020 di seluruh outlet.
40. BMK (Baso Mie Kopi)/ Diskon 17% untuk Menu Nasi Sop Daging Iga, Baso Malang Super Komplit, Mie Ayam Original Baso Spesial, berlaku setiap hari selama bulan Agustus 2020 di seluruh outlet.
41. PLATINUM GRILL/Diskon 17% untuk Menu Spicy Beef Fried Rice, Original Steamboat Set, Kampung Fried Rice, berlaku setiap hari selama bulan Agustus 2020 di seluruh outlet.
42. PLATINUM RESTO/ Diskon 17% untuk Menu Combo Teppanyaki, Nasi Goreng Spesial, Ayam Saos Mentega, berlaku setiap hari selama bulan Agustus 2020 di seluruh outlet.
43. RAA CHA SUKI & BBQ/Diskon 17% untuk Menu Paket Super Value + Minuman Ice Green Tea, berlaku setiap hari selama bulan Agustus 2020 di seluruh outlet.
44. CHOPSTIX/Promo BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Menu Nasi Ayam Goreng Mentega, Nasi Ayam Kungpao, Nasi Ayam Sambal Matah, dan Nasi Sapi Lada Hitam, berlaku setiap hari selama bulan Agustus 2020 di seluruh outlet.
45. GIANT/14-17 Aug; 21-24 Aug; 28-31 Aug/Weekend Promotion up to 35% Discount/Seluruh Toko Giant di Indonesia
46. HERO/ 21Aug - 3 Sep/ Diskon up to 20%/ Seluruh toko Hero di Indonesia
47. PEPPER LUNCH/ Pay 1 for 2 ( buy ppr steak get chicken ppr)
48. KINTAN BUFFET/free 1 plate Harami (with any purchase AYCE)
49. SHABURI/free 1 plate Gyu Tongue Truffle Oil (with any purchase AYCE)
50. KIMUKATSU/Pay 1 for 2 (buy gyukatsu cheese get dory katsu set)
51. BAKERZIN PISH AND POSH/Pay 1 for 2 (buy oxtail fried rice get tuna swirl pasta)
52. PUTU MADE/B1G1 for selected Nasi Menu.
53. PARADISE DYNASTY/beli xlb signature free lamian pangsit pedas ( berlaku kelipatan)
54. Paradise Dynasty T3/beli lamian free 1 porsi siomay ayam ( berlaku kelipatan )
55. PARADISE INN/pay 2 for 3 ( mantao bibir samcam babi )
56. NUDLES/ beli 1 mie free 1 porsi gorengan sate
57. ONOKABE/ paket regular bertiga 368rb/++ ( weekdays ) 388rb/++ ( weekend )
58. BEEF MAFIA/2 Regular Beef Bowl @ 59k
59. SWEET LIFE/ Signature Cake @ 75k
60. SUSHI YAY/ pay 2 for 3 for all maki sushi
61. INDOMARET/Tebus Murah Toples Luminarc/iSAKU / mulai Rp 18K
62. AUNTIE ANNE'S/ Buy 2 Get 1 Free 1-30 August 2020
63. BLACK EYE COFFEE/ 1- 31 August/ Discount up to 50% special at Black Eye Seminyak, Ubud dan Mall Bali Galeria/ Discount up to 40% at Black Eye Taman Palem Jakarta/ Discount 20% RTD Black Eye (All Channel)/ Buy 1 Get 1 Free at Tokopedia dan Shopee
64. GRAM CAFÉ & PANCAKES/15% discount for all items (dine-in only)
65. CHATIME/ 14-30 Agustus 2020 / Voucher Diskon 10% @Blibli
68. MOKKA COFFEE CABANA / 1-31 Agustus 2020 / Paket Merdeka Harga Promo Rp 50,000 / Seluruh Toko Di Indonesia
69. LOTTEMART/ 6-31 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 75% untuk pembelian ke-2 (selected items)/ Serba Diskon 17% 45%/ Paket Merdeka.
70. LOTTE GROSIR/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 75% untuk pembelian ke-2 (selected items) / Promo Serba 75 & 45
71. BUNDEE KITCHEN/14-30 Agustus 202/Diskon 10%
72. SEORAE/18-30Agustus2020/Paket HBDI/Seorae PIK dan Alam Sutera
73. SUGAKIYA /1-28 Agustus 2020/Special price Gyoza Rp. 10,909/Seluruh store
74. BONELLO/ 17-19 Agustus 2020 / Diskon hingga 45% semua menu / Bonello, Transpark Bintaro
75. TRANSMART CARREFOUR/14-31 Agustus 2020/PULUHAN RIBU PRODUK DISKON GILA-GILAAN hingga 75%/Seluruh toko Transmart Carrefour Indonesia
76. FARMERS MARKET/15 - 21 Agustus 2020 / Dapatkan 17x Poin untuk semua transaksi, S n K berlaku / Seluruh Farmers Market di Indonesia
77. HOKBEN/ SPECIAL MERDEKA PROMO DI HOKBEN! berlaku di seluruh HokBen kecuali Bandung dan Purwakarta/ SPECIAL MERDEKA PROMO DI HOKBEN !/berlaku di seluruh HokBen kecuali Bandung dan Purwakarta/ 10 – 15 Agustus 2020 :Simple Set Teriyaki + Hoka Hemat Rp 55,000/ 16,17,18 Agustus 2020 : Shrimp Dumpling Rp 17,000,-, 2 Botol Koori Konyaku 500ml Merah Putih (strawberry & lychee) Rp 45,000, Beef Teriyaki/Yakiniku + Ekkado + 2 Nasi Rp 75,000, Beef Teriyaki/yakiniku + Egg Chicken Roll + 2 Nasi Rp 75,000/ *harga sudah termasuk pajak/ *syarat&ketentuan berlaku
78. RICE BOWL/14-30 Agustus 2020/Cuma Rp 19.900 S n K berlaku/Rice Bowl Gading Serpong, Cikampek KM. 57, Suzuya Mall Aceh, Cihampelas Walk, Botani Square & Plaza Asia
79. CUPPA COFFEE/14-30 Agustus 2020/2 Cup Cuma Rp 40.000/Cuppa Coffee Bistro Serpong, Botani Square, Plaza Asia, Cihampelas Walk & Plaza Kalibata
80. WALAO-EH/14-30 Agustus 2020/Start From Rp 30.000/Walao-Eh Gading Serpong
81. CE WEI/14-30 Agustus 2020/Start From Rp 21.800/ Ce Wei Mal Artha Gading
82. PENYETAN COK/ 17 - 19 Agustus 2020/ MERDEKA! Paket Ayam Geprek + Es Teh hanya 17RB/ Berlaku di seluruh outlet Penyetan Cok
83. BEBEK SEMANGAT/ 17 - 19 Agustus 2020/ Paket Bebek Rempah Madura & Paket Ayam Rempah Pedas Lengkap dengan Es Teh cuma 17Ribu!!/ Berlaku diseluruh outlet Bebek Semangat
84. HOP HOP BUBBLE DRINK/ Promo Merdeka .Diskon 45 % khusus non tunai. Offline & online (Go Food & Grab Fiod ) Promo Beli 1 Gratis 1
Baca juga: Pendaftaran Kartu Prakerja Gelombang 5 Dibuka Akhir Pekan Ini
Fashion, Dept. Store, Jewelry, Accessories, Watch
1. JOBB/14-30 Agustus 2020/Disc Up To 70%/Seluruh Toko Indonesia
2. JACK NICKLAUS/14-30 Agustus 2020/Disc Up To 70%/Seluruh Toko Indonesia
3. BATIK KAMMI/ 14 - 30 Agustus 2020/Diskon Upto 50% selected item SnK berlaku/Central Park dan AEON
4. ALLEIRA BATIK/ diskon upto 75% selected S n K/CP dan Aeon)
5. SOGO: disc up to 75% selected items/shopping voucher up to Rp1Juta SKB/seluruh toko di Indonesia (3 Agst - 6 Sept 2020).
6. SEIBU: disc up to 75% selected items/shopping voucher up to Rp1,5Juta SKB (3 Agst - 6 Sept 2020).
7. GALERIES LAFAYETTE: disc up to 75% selected items/shopping voucher up to Rp1,7Juta SKB (3 Agst - 6 Sept 2020)
8. BUCCHERI/ Buy 2 or more, Get up to 70% + 7.5% Discount
9. JUSTICE/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon up to 70% off selected items T&Cs apply/ Seluruh toko di Indonesia
10. MAY & JUNE special Price
11. FLIES/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ Sale up to 70% selected item/ Seluruh Store se-Indonesia
12. CELCIUS/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ Sale up to 70% selected item/ Seluruh Store se-Indonesia
13. MISSISSIPPI/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ Sale up to 70% selected item/ Seluruh Store se-Indonesia
14. QUEENSLAND/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ Sale up to 70% selected item/ Seluruh Store se-Indonesia
15. AEESHA/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ Sale up to 70% selected item/ Seluruh Store se-Indonesia
18. NAIL/14-30 AGUSTUS /BUY 1 30% BUY 2 OR MORE 50%
19. BYFORD/ Special Price Rp. 75.000, Diskon up to 75% selected items/ SNK Berlaku
20. CITRUS DEPT STORE. All GUESS pant Rp. 125.000. All Syahbana Batik disc 70%
21. AVENUE/ sale 70% all stores.
22. JREP/ sale 70%. All stores
23. RAINBOW/ sale 50% all stores
24. OCEAN PACIFIC / 14 -30 Agustus 2020/ discount up to 70%
25. COUNTRY FIESTA / 14 -30 Agustus 2020/ discount up to 70%
26. PAKALOLO TOKO/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ disc 75% all shoes
27. PAKALOLO COUNTERS/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ disc 75% for sandals SP and SMU category
28. SLEDGERS TOKO/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ disc 75% all items
29. DEISLER COUNTERS/14-30 Agustus 2020/ disc 75% for SP sandals only and sport category
30. ALUN - ALUN INDONESIA: disc hingga 75% selected items/shopping voucher hingga Rp300 Ribu SKB (4 Agst - 9 Sept 2020)
31. KINOKUNIYA: disc hingga 50% selected items SKB (3 - 31 Ags 2020)
32. YONGKI KOMALADI/Disc up to 75% selected items dan Special Price.
33. HUSH PUPPIES /disc up to 70%.
34. BATIK RIANA KESUMA Up to 50% & free Masker Batik for 2 or more purchase
35. LAFAYETTE/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 75% selected item S n K berlaku/ Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
36. OBERMAIN /disc up to 75%
37. 101Shoes/14-30 Agustus 2020/Diskon 75% S&K Berlaku/Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
38. MOTHERCARE / 13 Agustus - 13 September 2020 / Diskon up to 70%off selected items / Seluruh stores Mothercare di Indonesia
39. GOLDMART/ Disc 17% for Goldmart Collection/ disc 45% for Special Collection
40. FLADEO/ DISC 75% DARI TGL 1-17 / 8/2020 ALL STORES
41. VICARI /14-30 Aug 2020/Buy 1 Disc 17% Buy 2 Or More Disc 45% Selected Items Snk Berlaku/Seluruh Toko Di Indonesia
42. GABINO /14-30 Aug 2020/Disc Up To 70% ; Buy 1 Disc 17% Buy 2 Or More Disc 45% For Apparel ; Disc 45% + 8% + 17% Selected Items Snk Berlaku/Seluruh Toko Di Indonesia
43. PEDRO/14-30 Agustus 2020/Up to 50% OFF, GWP carrier bag untuk pembelian kolesi Indonesia Exclusive, Double Points for VIP /Seluruh toko di Indonesia
44. MILLE/ disc up to 75%/13 Agustus - 13 September 2020 / all outlets
45. NOBBY/01-31 Agustus 2020/DISKON up to 75% selected item S&K berlaku/ Seluruh toko di Indonesia
46. OURDAILYDOSE/ 14 - 31 Agustus 2020 / discount up to 70% T & C apply / seluruh toko Indonesia
47. FISIK SPORTS / 14 - 31 Agustus 2020 / discount up to 70% T & C apply / seluruh toko Indonesia
48. ADA / 14-30 Agustus 2020/ discount up to 75%/ berlaku di seluruh cabang di Indonesia
49. BUTI / 14-30 Agustus 2020/ discount up to 75%/ berlaku di seluruh cabang di Indonesia
50. ALEEYA / 14-30 Agustus 2020/ discount up to 75%/ berlaku di seluruh cabang di Indonesia
51. SIMPLICITY / 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / discount up to 70% T & C apply / seluruh toko Indonesia
52. GRAPHIS / 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / discount up to 70% T & C apply / seluruh toko Indonesia
53. ALEXIS/ 14-30 Aug 20 / discount up to 67% selected items / all stores
54. SARINAH ONLINE / 25 Juli - 31 Agustus 2020/ Discount Up to 50% selected item and Free Ongkir JABODETABEK "S&K Berlaku"
55. PAKALOLO BOOTS/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/Diskon up to 50% selected item S n K berlaku/Onlinestore Tokopedia
56. ALDOSHOES/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon Up to 70% off selected item S n K berlaku/ Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
57. CHARLES & KEITH/ 1-31 Agt 2020/ promo double point for any purchase (normal items) S&K berlaku/ Seluruh store Charles&Keith Indonesia
58. BRILLIANT GIRL/14-30 Agustus 2020/Diskon 30% untuk barang reguler, diskon 40% dan 70% untuk barang muslim/selected counter
59. SARINAH/1-31Agt'20/Disc up to 75% selected items & Special Price/Outlet Malang&Semarang, Sale up to 30% /all Outlet Sarinah Bandara &Hotel/14-30 agt'20/ Free Gift T-Shirt, belanja 750 ribu SKB/Outlet Bandara Soeta & Malang
60. SURPRICE / 14-23 Agustus / Diskon 17% + 8% S n K berlaku / Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
61. DURBAN/ 1 -30 Agustus 2020/Disc Up To 70% Selected Item All Showroom
62. CONDOTTI/ Promo All Size One Price ( for Cabin, Medium & Large Size ) only 750 k.
63. BELLEZZA/ Promo : Additional 20% off & Special Price start from 149 k up to 249 k. Selected Items.
64. ZOE LABEL/ 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / Diskon 50% - 70 % selected item (SnK berlaku)/www.zoelabel.com, Sogo, Central, Zalora ( Zoe ), Shopee (Zoelabel)
65. WASTU/ 1-31 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 50% For selected items T&C apply/ Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
66. EA7 EMPORIO ARMANI/ Sale up to 50%/ All Stores in Indonesia
67. POSHBOY / 14 - 31 Agustus 2020 / Disc Up To 70% & Start from Rp. 129.900,-/ s & k berlaku / berlaku di seluruh Toko Poshboy di Indonesia
68. THE EXECUTIVE/ SALE up to 75% OFF/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ All stores nationwide
69. ET CETERA/ SALE up to 70% OFF/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ All stores nationwide
70. COLORBOX/ SALE up to 70% OFF/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ All stores nationwide
71. WRANGLER/ SALE up to 70% OFF/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ All stores nationwide
72. WOOD/ SALE up to 70% OFF/ 14-30 Agustus 2020/ All stores nationwide
73. LE COQ SPORTIF/ SALE up to 70% OFF/ 17-30 Agustus 2020/ All stores nationwide
74. LEE/ Special Price Tees starts from IDR 149,900/(14 - 31 Aug)/ All stores nationwide
75. MINIMAL/1 - 31 Agustus 20/Buy 1 Get 1 Free, selected items, syarat dan ketentuan berlaku/Seluruh Minimal Store di Indonesia
76. LGS/14-30 Aug up to 70% selected item. All stores.
77. CENTRO DEPARTMENT STORE / Merdeka Sale Up to 70%+5% selected item, Special Price Rp.75.000 Casual wear/ all store centro
78. THE PALACE/ 14-30 Agutsus 2020/Diskon 10% selected item S n K berlaku/ The Palace Tokopedia
79. SALT N PEPPER/14-15 Agustus & 21-24 Agustus/Discount Up To 75% selected item/Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
80. STACCATO/14-17 Agustus 2020 /Min. purchase of IDR 1.7 mio, get 45% off on regular price items only T&C Apply / Seluruh Staccato Concept Stores
81. BIRKENSTOCK/14-20 Agustus 2020 / 1st item get 17%off, 2nd item get 20%off, 3rd item get 30%off on regular price items only T&C Apply/ Seluruh Birkenstock Concept Stores
82. DR. MARTENS/14-20 Agusts 2020/Min. purchase of IDR 2.5mio, get 17% off on selected items T&C Apply/ seluruh Dr. Martens concept stores
83. CLARKS/14-20 Agustus 2020/SALE UP TO 70%off and additional 17% off on selected items T&C Apply / Seluruh Clarks Concept Stores
84. ROCKPORT/14-20 Agustus 2020/SALE UP TO 70%off and additional 17% off on selected items T&C Apply / Seluruh Rockport Concept Stores
85. STEVE MADDEN/14-20 Agustus 2020/Get additional 17%off on selected items T&C Apply)/ Seluruh Steve Madden Concept Stores
86. LINEA/14-17 Agustus 2020/Min. purchase of IDR 1.7 mio, get 45% off on selected items only T&C Apply / Seluruh Linea Concept Stores
87. NINE WEST/14-20 Agustus 2020/Get additional 17%off on selected items T&C Apply)/ Seluruh Nine West Concept Stores
88. WATCH CIRCLE/ Promo menyambut kemerdekaan / 01-31 agustus 2020 / CLEARANCE SALE / selected item / All stores in Indonesia
89. ZOOM & WATCH/ Promo menyambut kemerdekaan / 01-31 agustus 2020 / CLEARANCE SALE / selected item / All stores in Indonesia
90. PASSION JEWELRY/14-30 Agustus 2020/Buy 1 Get 1 S n K berlaku/ Seuruh Toko di Indonesia
91. RODEO JUNIOR/ Up to 70% All item
92. IWAN TIRTA PRIVATE COLLECTION/13-31 Agustus 2020/Diskon 10% selected items S & K berlaku/Seluruh Toko di Indonesia kecuali Dept.Store
93. PLANET SPORTS & SPORTS STATION/ 14 - 17 Agustus 2020 / INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION (BOGO 50% off on 2nd item). Get 50% off on second item for your all favorite sports brand Reebok, Skechers, New Balance, Converse, Nike, Adidas, Puma and any more Terms & Conditions apply
94. PLANET SPORTS & SPORTS STATION/ 20 - 30 Agustus 2020 / CASHBACK! Get Rp.150.000 rebate for Min. purchase of Rp.750.000 for your all favorite sports brand Reebok, Skechers, New Balance, Converse, Nike, Adidas, Puma and any more Terms & Conditions apply
95. MADONNA & CHIBI LAND/14-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 20%+17% & 50 % +20% Selected Item berlaku /seluruh toko di Indonesia
96. FLYMAN NATHALIE / 14 - 30 Augustus 2020 / disc up to 60% selected items
97. BATIK RIANA KESUMA/14-30 Agustus 2020/Discount 20% - 50% all items (s&k berlaku) / Semua Outlet di Indonesia (Sogo PS, Metro Ps, Alun-Alun Indonesia, Sogo)
98. POSHBOY/14-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon up to 70% s&k Berlaku/ Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
99. MATAHARI DEPARTMENT STORE/ 6-23 Agustus 2020/ 1. Bebas Belanja: Produk hemat hingga 75% (produk & toko tertentu), 2. Bebas Pilih: Produk harga special Rp.75.000 (produk & toko tertentu), 3. Bebas Gaya : Masker Nevada harga Rp.7.500 (hanya 3 hari : 15-17 Agustus), 4. Bebas dapat voucher : senilai Rp.75.000 (untuk member Matahari Reward yang ultah tgl. 17 Agustus. Berlaku untuk minimum belanja Rp.250.000 dalam 1 struk), 5. Bebas Ongkir : minimum belanja Rp.75.000 (dengan Shop & Talk bayar via Nobu Bank & max ongkir Rp.15.000)/ 155 toko matahari yang sudah buka di seluruh Indonesia.
100. NAUTICA/ 14-30 agustus 2020/disc up to 20% off on selected items/jakarta & Surabaya
101. STUDIO TAS/ All Size One Price (Cabin, Medium & Large Size ) only 750k/ Buy 1 +17%+8%, Buy 2 +45% *up to disc 50%
102. TRAVEL XPERIENCE/ All Size One Price (Cabin, Medium & Large Size) only 750k/ Buy 1 +17%+8%, Buy 2 +45%/ *up to disc 50%
103. ELLE Boutique/ All Size One Price (Cabin, Medium & Large Size) only 750k/ Buy 1 +17%+8%, Buy 2 +45% *up to disc 50%
104. ELIZABETH/15-17 Agustus 2020/Diskon 20% All Item Untuk Sepatu dan Sandal/Seluruh Toko di Indonesia
105. CENTRAL DEPARTMENT STORE/3-30 Agustus 2020/ Tambahan diskon 17% + gratis voucher Rp 200,000 + Ekstra 450 point, T&C Apply/ Grand Indonesia
Baca juga: Kabar Gembira, Tahun Depan PNS Dapat THR dan Gaji ke-13 Penuh dengan Tunjangan Kinerja
Electronic, Gadget, Optic
1. ELECTRONIC CITY/ 15,16,17 Agustus 2020 / Belanja Elektronik & dapatkan DISKON 45% untuk pembelian TV & Air Purifier SHARP/S&K Berlaku
2. URBAN REPUBLIC/14-30 Agustus 2020/-Program undian Eraversary dengan hadiah utama Mini Cooper dan ribuan hadiah lainnya/ Clearance Sale selected items up to 90% selected store/ Tambahan diskon bank tertentu/ Eraclub promo double point
3. ERAFONE/14-30 Agustus 2020/- Program undian Eraversary dengan hadiah utama Mini Cooper dan ribuan hadiah lainnya/ Program Cashback s/d Rp 5.5 juta/ Clearance Sale Selected Items selected Store/ Tambahan diskon bank tertentu/ PWP Accs sd 75% Max 75rb/ Promo cukup bayar dari 50rb sebulan, Gratis telp dan SMS sepuasnya, kuota unlimited 24 jam/ Eraclub promo double point/ Trade-in promo
4. IBOX/14-30 Agustus 2020/- Program undian Eraversary dengan hadiah utama Mini Cooper dan ribuan hadiah lainnya/ Program Cashback s/d Rp 500rb/ Tambahan diskon bank tertentu/ PWP Accs sd 75% Max 75rb/ Eraclub promo double point/ Trade-in promo
5. SAMSUNG BY NASA/14-30 Agustus 2020/- Program undian Eraversary dengan hadiah utama Mini Cooper dan ribuan hadiah lainnya/ Program Cashback s/d Rp 5.5 juta/ Clearance Sale Selected Items selected Store/ Tambahan diskon bank tertentu/ PWP Accs sd 75% Max 75rb/ Promo cukup bayar dari 50rb sebulan, Gratis telp dan SMS sepuasnya, kuota unlimited 24 jam/ Eraclub promo double point/ Trade-in promo
Baca juga: Ada Gratis Ongkir, Belanja Buku Gramedia Kini Cukup Tunggu di Rumah
Health & Beauty
1. WATSONS / 27 Jul - 30 Ags / Independence Shopathon save up to 75% apply instore & online
2. THE BODY SHOP/ MERDEKA SALE 13 Aug - 2 Sept 2020, Save up to 50% on selected items.
3. HERBORIST/15 - 30 Agustus 2020/ Buy 1 Get 1 Free Selected Item/ Buy 2 Get 1 Free Selected Item/ Free Masker dan Batik Collection Pouch/ Discount upto 20% for Secret Clean Antiseptic Handsanitizer/ Purchase 1 Secret Clean Handsanitizer 5000ml Free Handsoap 500ml/ Free Keranjang Cantik setiap pembelanjaan 200k/ Free Box/ Custom Gift setiap pembelanjaan 180k and more
4. JOHNNY ANDREAN SALON/14-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 17% S&K Berlaku/ Seluruh Indonesia
5. JOHNNY ANDREAN SCHOOL AND TRAINING/14-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 50% untuk kelas hairdo dan makeup/Seluruh Indonesia
6. KIDDYCUTS /14-30 Agustus 2020/Diskon 20% all service/Senayan City, Central Park, Kota Kasablanka, TSM Cibubur, The Park Sawangan
7. HEADQUARTERS/14-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 20% all service/ Central Park dan Senayan City
8. OPI INDONESIA/14-30 Agustus/Discount up to 75% selected item/Seluruh Toko Offline di Indonesia
9. BEAU/14-31 Agustus 2020 Special Promo serba Rp 7.500,-, Paket Special Rp 75.000,- di seluruh toko Beau dan Discount 75% (s&k berlaku) di seluruh e-commerce.
10. FRAGRANCE BAR/1 - 31 Agustus 2020/Special Price 175k EDT Fragrance Bar/ Buy 1 Body Scent free Secret Clean Handsanitizer 100ml spray/ Special Promo Parfume Hygiene/ Buy 200k free Totebag cantik/ Special Discount/ Buy 1 Get 1 SG Aroma Reeds Diffuser/ Special Program on August, etc.
11. IRWAN TEAM HAIRDESIGN/10-31 Agustus 2020/Independence hair day free wash blow for every red color service SnK berlaku/semua cabang
12. MAYMAYSALON/CASHBACK 25% selama Agustus.
13. ADVANCE/1. Cashback Rp. 500.000 (Selected Item), 2. Discount 7%+5% (Selected Item), 3. Serba Rp. 75.000 (Selected Item)
14. PERFECT HEALTH/ 16 -18 Agus/ Diskon 75% / S%K berlaku / Seluruh Toko Indonesia
15. NUSANTICS/14-30 Agustus 2020/Diskon grand launching 50%/Tokopedia, Shoppee, Bli Bli
16. WARDAH / 16-18 Agustus 2020 / Independence Day Promo / Disc 17%+8% (all series) / All Wardah Beauty Stores & Wardah Beauty Houses
17. WARDAH / 28-30 Agustus 2020 / Payday Promo / Disc up to 30% (S&K berlaku) / All Wardah Beauty Stores & Wardah Beauty Houses
18. MAKE OVER/ 16-18 Agustus 2020 / Independence Day Promo / Disc 17%+8% (all series) / All Make Over Official Stores
19. MAKE OVER/ 28-30 Agustus 2020 / Payday Promo / Disc 20% (selected items) / All Make Over Official Stores
20. EMINA / 16-18 Agustus 2020 / Independence Day Promo / Disc 17%+8% (all series) / All Emina Playground
21. EMINA / 28-30 Agustus 2020 / Payday Promo / Disc up to 30% (S&K berlaku) / All Emina Playground
22. DAN+DAN/ 14-31 Agustus 2020/ Diskon s.d. 75% selected item S n K
23. IXOBOX / Gunting Rambut Sepuasnya/08-30 Agustus 2020 / bayar 300K gunting sampai puas selama 3 bulan, cukup bayar 30K setiap kedatangan S&K Berlaku/ Seluruh Outlet Indonesia
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Home & Living, Entertainment, Toys & Others
1. EARLY LEARNING CENTRE/ Sale up to 50% off
2. COLLECTION BY VIVERE, 14-30 Agustus 2020 /Up to 70% OFF on selected items / terms and condition apply / VIVERE store Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali
3. MARCO HOMESTORE tambahan 7.5% diskon berlaku termasuk Promo.
4. JYSK SCANDINAVIAN LIVING/ PROMO KEMERDEKAAN; Diskon up to 75%; Promo all Furniture Regular 17% + 8% + 20%; Wall Decor Serba 75.000 / S&K berlaku / periode 14 – 31 Agustus 2020/ Sosial Media, Instore POP, Email blast
5. HIAS HOUSE/PROMO KEMERDEKAAN; Promo Regular Furniture 17% + 8% + 45%; C&C harga Rp 7.500 & Rp 75.000 selected item/ S&K berlaku / periode 14 – 31 Agustus 2020/ Sosial Media, Instore POP, Email blast
6. COURTS/14-30 Agustus 2020/Diskon hingga 75% & Harga Serba 75k, 750k,7,5m S n K berlaku untuk produk Electronic & Furnitur/seluruh toko COURTS
7. TOKYO1/13-31 Agustus 2020/sales up to 80% selected item/seluruh cabang
8. FUNWORLD/ 14-31 Agustus 2020 / Buy 1 Get 2 Card / T&C apply/ all store
9. KIDZILLA/ 14-31 Agustus 2020 / Beli 3 dapat 5x bermain / T&C apply/ all store
10. FUN & FIT/ 14-31 Agustus 2020 / Beli 3 dapat 5x bermain / T&C apply/ all store
11. BRANDSTOP tambahan 7.5% diskon berlaku termasuk Promo.
12. RAGA STUDIO/1-30 Agustus 2020/ Diskon 50% membership & pay per visit/ Raga Studio Menteng Jakarta Pusat
13. INFORMA/Nikmati Cashback up to 17%, Serba 170 Ribu, 800 Ribu, dan 4,5 Juta untuk memeriahkan semangat kemerdekaan di rumah Anda!/ Cek @informaid untuk penawaran menarik lainnya. #16thMenemaniAnda #BuruankeInforma
14. CLARIS/PROMO MERDEKA/ setiap pembelanjaan minimal Rp. 170.000, Anda akan mendapatkan gratis foodsaver 2711 (2 pcs)* periode promo mulai 08 -31 Agustus 2020 Mau belanja Claris lebih cepat dan mudah klik bit.ly/pesanclaris *S&K
15. SLEEP&Co/ 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / SALE up to 60% OFF* / All stores nationwide
16. KINGKOIL/ 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / Special Price and SALE up to 50% OFF* / All stores nationwide
17. SERTA/ 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / Special Price Rp. 7.500.000* / All stores nationwide
18. TEMPUR/ 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / Special Price Rp. 75.000.000* / All stores nationwide
19. FLORENCE/ 14 - 30 Agustus 2020 / Special Price 1 set Rp. 7.500.000* / All stores nationwide
20. MR DIY Indonesia/ Diskon Hingga 50% produk pilihan seluruh Indonesia
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2020-08-14 23:35:00Z
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