Monitoring the signals for Advanced Surgical Design & Manufacture Ltd (AMT.AX), we see that the Minus Directional Indicator is currently higher than the Plus Directional Indicator. With the -DI above the +DI, traders may be looking for a possible bearish move.
Investors and traders using technical analysis to examine stocks may be interested in taking a look at the ATR or Average True Range. Currently, Advanced Surgical Design & Manufacture Ltd (AMT.AX) has a 14-day ATR of 0.00. The Average True Range is an investor tool used to measure stock volatility. The ATR is not used to figure out price direction, just to measure volatility. The ATR is an indicator developed by J. Welles Wilder. Wilder has developed multiple indicators that are still quite popular in today’s investing landscape. The general interpretation of the ATR is the higher the ATR value, the higher the volatility.
Checking in on some other technical levels, the 14-day RSI is currently at 28.13, the 7-day stands at 2.75, and the 3-day is sitting at 0.00. Many investors look to the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reading of a particular stock to help identify overbought/oversold conditions. The RSI was developed by J. Welles Wilder in the late 1970’s. Wilder laid out the foundation for future technical analysts to further investigate the RSI and its relationship to underlying price movements. Since its inception, RSI has remained very popular with traders and investors. Other technical analysts have built upon the work of Wilder. The 14-day RSI is still a widely popular choice among technical stock analysts.
Checking in on moving averages, the 200-day is at 0.16, the 50-day is 0.15, and the 7-day is sitting at 0.14. Moving averages may be used by investors and traders to shed some light on trading patterns for a specific stock. Moving averages can be used to help smooth information in order to provide a clearer picture of what is going on with the stock. Technical stock analysts may use a combination of different time periods in order to figure out the history of the equity and where it may be headed in the future. MA’s can be calculated for any time period, but two very popular time frames are the 50-day and 200-day moving averages.
Currently, the 14-day ADX for Advanced Surgical Design & Manufacture Ltd (AMT.AX) is sitting at 18.40. Generally speaking, an ADX value from 0-25 would indicate an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would support a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would identify a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would lead to an extremely strong trend. ADX is used to gauge trend strength but not trend direction. Traders often add the Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI) to identify the direction of a trend.
Traders may be focusing on other technical indicators for stock assessment. Presently, Advanced Surgical Design & Manufacture Ltd (AMT.AX) has a 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) of -85.78. The CCI technical indicator can be used to help determine if a stock is overbought or oversold. CCI may also be used to help discover divergences that could possibly signal reversal moves. A CCI closer to +100 may provide an overbought signal, and a CCI near -100 may offer an oversold signal.
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