NEWTON, Kan. (KAKE) - The nation's largest roofing and manufacturing company will soon open a facility in Newton. It is set to go on the southwest side of town.

The new GAF facility is set to bring 130 new jobs to Newton. But some farmers say they don't want the facility near their farmland.

“The family farm has been here almost 100 years now. And we would prefer not to have a heavy industrial site right next to our place,” said Mark Klassen, a farmer.

The shingle company is spending more than $300 million for this single plant to go up in Newton.

Another neighbor is also concerned about the impact on his home.

“I moved out in the country to be out in the country. And now they're bringing the city to me,” said Charles Lanhan, a Newton resident.

The city of Newton says, GAF's plant will bring more benefits to this rural part of town than drawbacks.

“They're going to be such good neighbors, I mean, they're already talking berming so you just don't see a big plan out there,” said Rod Kreie, the Mayor of Newton and board president of the Harvey County Economic Development.

GAF has about 5,000 workers with 30 different operations in the U.S., the Newton plant should add 130 jobs in Harvey County. Kreie points to the benefits of the nearby Brooks Trade Center.

“It kind of flows right into the need for technical workers that, that, that they're going to need to make sure their plant runs and operates it at some level of efficiency,” said Kreie.

The Kansas Logistics Park in Newton will be the company's first Kansas location. The mayor says it took three years of planning to reach this point. A place that Mark Klassen isn't looking forward to.

“They're going to have a lot of traffic, a lot of trains, a lot of semi-traffic from what I understand. It's going to be coming right by our place,” said Klassen.

It’s still years until the plant reaches that point but construction will start in June, with production set for 2027 and full capacity in 2029.